7 Lawn Care Tips to Keep Your Yard Lively and Healthy

Are you agonizing over your yard? Keeping a nice lawn seems like a huge chore, but with some basic tips, it doesn’t have to be.

Spend your spring, summer, and fall keeping up with a few easy tasks and your yard will turn into lush turf your family can enjoy.

Here are the best lawn care tips for busy parents.

1. Fertilize in Spring

Before your lawn gets going and has a strong base for summer, you need to fertilize it. One of the best spring lawn care tips is to give it the nutrients it needs to recover from winter.

Spread fertilizer every month until summer is in full swing. Wait as long as you can to mow it the first time so that it can grow strong.

2. Clear Leaves and Debris

Raking isn’t anyone’s favorite chore, but it’s one of the best fall lawn care tips. Be sure you clear debris from your yard, especially fall leaves.

Leaving dead leaves matted on the ground builds up moisture and blocks the sun. The grass underneath dies, and your lawn will have bare spots. Even after the trees are bare, continue clearing leaves where the wind piles them up in corners.

3. How to Water

It’s best to water your lawn once a week. Rather than watering every day for a short time, water once per week. Give it a good soaking, or water it deeply, for the best results.

One of our favorite easy lawn care tips is to use an old tuna can to tell when you’ve given it enough water. Set it in the yard and when it gets full, turn off the sprinkler. 

4. When to Water

It’s best to water your lawn in the morning before the sun gets high. Professional lawn care companies will remind you that before 10 a.m. is best because the water will have a chance to soak in, rather than evaporate.

If you water later in the day, your lawn can become diseased.

5. Mow High

You should only cut about a third of the grass off when you mow. Mowing high keeps the grass healthy and maintains longer roots.

Taller grass is healthier because you’ll have better weed control and it will be more resistant to drought and disease.

6. Reseed

Growing grass where you have bare spots is one of the simple lawn care tips people forget about. It’s best to scatter grass seed in early spring or early fall. For the evenest results, use a spreader.

7. Lawn Care Tips: Get Help

Sometimes the best tip anyone can give is to get help. Whether you are lacking the time or the energy to put into your lawn, it’s okay to say, “I need help with my lawn.” Call a lawn maintenance service that can give your yard the attention it deserves.

The Best Turf

If you want the best lawn in the neighborhood, following the lawn care tips above can help you meet that goal. These are simple tasks that anyone can do, even in the midst of parenting and running a household. 

Soon you’ll have a beautiful yard for kids to play in and neighbors to envy.

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