6 Home Inspection Repairs Buyers Should Not Request

When buying a new house, it is natural to want everything to be perfect. It is also understandable that you want to be sure the property is worth the investment. That is why when it comes to repairs after home inspection Punta Gorda FL buyers tend to nitpick. As such, they often give a long list of things that need to be fixed in the house. While some of them are just, many can end up being unfair to the seller. Here are six such home inspection repairs that buyers should not ask sellers to do:

Not-so-urgent cosmetic repairs

A small paint touch-up, staining the deck, or fixing cracked tile are not repairs you need done right at the moment. In fact, cosmetic repairs like these don’t even make living in the place unbearable (unless you have OCD). As such, this is an expense you, buyer, should cover yourself at a later time. 

Minor repairs that don’t cost much

Continuing from the previous point, minor repairs under $100 are something better handled by the buyer. Asking a seller to take care of this is being extremely nitpicky. You might end up losing the sale if you keep making requests like these.

A failed window seal

A failed window seal is a fairly common problem in most houses because it happens over time. As such, it is essentially a cosmetic repair that can wait. Therefore, buyers should not hassle sellers with these things because the loss of insulation and energy is minimal due to a failed seal. 

Renovations in your mind

It is natural to want to renovate your new house. However, your sellers are not obligated to make these renovations. Therefore, this is a request you should avoid making the most because otherwise, you are at risk of losing the sale. 

Basement floor cracks

Basement floors are generally of concrete, a naturally porous material. As such, cracks in them are quite common and cosmetic. You can put these off because there is no structural damage. However, if you notice any cracks in the walls of the basement, there is some cause for concern. 

Loose fixtures and light switches

Loose fixtures like stairway railing can be an annoyance and so can faulty light switches and sockets. However, they are not nearly serious enough to have the seller fix them for you. They are better fixed by you over time. 


Wanting homes to be perfect is no crime. However, having unrealistic expectations and expecting sellers to comply with all the wishes of a buyer is not ideal. It is always best to negotiate who will pay for what beforehand once a home inspection report is at hand. Doing so will help avoid any potential conflict. 

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