3 Year old won’t stay in bed

You may find it difficult to get your toddler to sleep in their bed or their room all night. You’re not the only one if your 3-year-old won’t sleep in their bed at night.

Some three-year-olds may get out of bed right before they fall asleep. Others might do it in the middle or early hours of the day. Whatever your situation, you can address it respectfully and effectively.

Why will my three-year-old not stay in bed?

Here are some reasons your 3-year-old might not stay in bed. The reasons listed above are typical, but each three-year-old child is unique and may have different reasons for getting up.

Consider these reasons that three-year-olds get out of bed. If not, then what else could it be? Understanding the causes will help you to find the best solution.

Separation anxiety

Some children may be scared or lonely at night. It can be hard for children to sleep away from their parents at night.

Solution: Spend some quality time with them before they go to sleep. You can read books together, cuddle, etc. Fill them with your love and presence to help reduce separation anxiety.

You can hear other people in the house waking up.

You may find it difficult to fall asleep if other people are still having fun and moving around. Your toddler may be getting up from bed to see what other people are doing.

Solution: Keep the rest of the household quiet or add some white sound in their room, such as a fan or sleep sound app, to drown out sounds from the other rooms.

Sleeping routines

Suppose they have made major changes to their sleeping routine recently (ex. They’ve moved into their bedroom and no longer share a room. This can cause them to get out of bed more often. It’s possible that they need a little time to adjust.

Solution: Maintain a consistent bedtime routine and firm boundaries. Consistent practices help children to feel grounded and know what to expect. Keep your limitations in place by taking them to bed or whatever works for you.


Overtired children (and adults) have a harder time sleeping. Your three-year-old might wake up at night, seem wide awake, and not want to stay in bed if they don’t get enough sleep.

Solution: Move bedtime earlier to ensure they get to sleep on schedule. Help them relax before bedtime by moving rest earlier.

There are many solutions for children who won’t stay in bed.

These are some additional solutions to the ones listed above. Not every solution is going to work for you. You know your child best, so decide what solutions are worth trying.

Weighted blanket

Weighted blankets can be a great solution for children who have trouble settling down. They will feel more comfortable and relaxed. This can help if they’re restless and getting up frequently. Check the weight recommendation to ensure a blanket is suitable for your child. Here are two weighted options: the Harkla Kids and the Harkla Kids.

Talk it out

Talk to your 3-year-old during the day, not just at bedtime. Listen to them and their suggestions as you work together to find a solution to get them to stay in bed. Tell them you love them and that you want them to sleep enough so they can be healthy and happy.

Role-playing falling asleep

Playing together can help you understand what it is like to be in bed trying to sleep at night. This can reveal some of the sleep problems they are having – for example, do they complain about a strange shadow on the window? Or that they need to drink water? You can figure out why they get up every night and teach them how to sleep better.

Bedtime snack

Could it be that your child has woken up because they are hungry? Consider a snack before bed or make sure that their dinner will keep them full until the morning. You can find some excellent advice on what to feed kids by checking out Kids Eat In Color.


It has been found that it helps parents to let their children listen to an audiobook before they go to sleep. Just make sure the device they are using is out of reach so they can only listen and not play with it. It can help them relax by giving them something to focus on while also relaxing their body.

Audible offers a wide range of audiobooks. You can start a 30-day trial here.

White Noise

White noise machines help people of all ages sleep. A white noise machine is a great alternative to a fan, as it can help drown out any other sounds that may be making your child restless or awake. This is an excellent one from Amazon.

Okay, to Wake Clock

A “wake up” clock is a great way to tell your 3-year-old when it’s time to get out of bed.

It’s great if your 3-year-old gets up early in the morning. A 5 am alarm clock will help your child understand that even though their body may be awake, it is still time to sleep.

Safety is a concern with baby gates.

Parents will install a baby gate at their child’s bedroom door when they are concerned about their safety. For example, if a three-year-old gets out of his room in the early morning and is in a potentially dangerous situation.

This is a good strategy as long as your child feels safe. They should still be able to call out to you. A baby gate can be used to turn a room into a crib.

Be reasonable in your expectations for a three-year-old’s sleep

Some children indeed find it difficult to sleep alone at night. This is a skill they may take a while to master. It’s important to be consistent, even if you try the tips. This will help them adjust.

It’s easy to compare your child’s progress with that of other children and parents. But it’s also important to set realistic expectations.

It’s important to take care of yourself. Some parents don’t want to have to fight their children to sleep in their bed if they wake up in the middle of the night. They prefer to let their children sleep in their beds.

Parents are not robots. There may be “best practices” for getting children to sleep. When we are sleep-deprived, or when we have been awake for a long time, we get cranky.

Consistency is key, so it’s best to set realistic expectations. You might get frustrated if you don’t take them to bed each night.

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