10 Spring Cleaning Tips for New Homeowners

Did you know that 95% of women feel happier when their house is clean? 87% of women feel that their home reflects who they are. This is why U.S. adults clean at least once a week. 

Women will average 12,896 hours of their life cleaning. This is about 4 hours a week. Men, on the other hand, will only spend 6,448 hours of their lives cleaning. 

If you want to keep your new home as clean as possible, check out this list of spring cleaning tips. 

  1. Start By Making a Plan

If you’re wondering how to start spring cleaning, the best way is to make a plan and checklist. Make a list of tasks that require the most attention, so you don’t overlook an area of your home and forget to clean it. 

Once you know what you need to clean, you can gather your supplies and place everything in one bucket. This will make the cleaning process move faster. 

  1. Move On to Decluttering 

The first thing on your spring cleaning checklist list should be to declutter. Which rooms need the most decluttering will depend on your personal situation, but it’s a good idea to start with your garage. 

Garages tend to become messy storage rooms, but you can prevent this from happening by doing spring cleaning every year. Make space for storing seasonal items and get rid of anything that’s broken or isn’t used. 

  1. Don’t Forget About Your Microwave 

There are many great spring cleaning tips and tricks to help you keep your new home looking brand new. One tip you might not have heard about is using lemons to clean your microwave. 

You’ll need to cut a lemon in half and add the juice to a small bowl of water. Keep the lemon in the bowl and microwave the mixture for about three minutes. The steam will help loosen any stuck-on food so you can wipe it off in less time. 

  1. Refresh the Kitchen Sink 

The kitchen is one of the areas of your home that can collect the most unpleasant smells; after cleaning your microwave and wiping down your counters with a multipurpose cleaner, you want to bring your focus to the sink. 

If you have unpleasant odors coming from your sink, you can try this simple trick. Pass some lemon rinds through the garbage disposal, the ones you used for your microwave, and then rinse down with cold water. 

  1. To the Windows to the Walls 

Learning how to do spring cleaning correctly means learning to clean your windows and walls too. Windows and walls are often neglected or forgotten during spring cleaning.

Use a damp microfiber towel to wipe down your walls. Do the same for your windows by removing the screens first and then wiping down the screens and windows. 

  1. Reorganize Your Refrigerator 

Another part of spring cleaning is reorganizing your home for optimal space and convenience. Take everything out of your refrigerator and wipe down the shelves. Take out the bins and wash them with soap and water. 

Throw out any spoiled or expired food and place the remaining food back in the fridge. Separate by categories and keep everything visible. 

Keep drinks on the side door for easy access; fruits and veggies should be kept in bins to extend freshness. 

  1. Take Care of Your Oven

Other tips for spring cleaning to keep in mind include deep cleaning your oven. Most ovens have a self-cleaning option, but if they don’t, you can use a hot cloth to remove baked-on food. 

Use an oven cleaning solution or baking soda and a brush to scrub your oven clean. Rinse off the cleaning solution with water and dry your oven’s interior. 

  1. Clean up the Bathroom 

Wiping down the surfaces in your bathroom with antibacterial wipes and cleaning the toilet bowl should be weekly tasks. 

During spring cleaning, you should consider replacing or washing your fabric shower curtain. If you use a plastic liner, make sure you’re replacing that as well.

Consider reorganizing your medicine cabinet and throwing out any expired makeup or medication. Don’t forget to clean your shower to prevent soap buildup from ruining your shower tiles. 

  1. Reorganize Your Closet 

Another spring cleaning task you can take on is reorganizing your closet. This is the best time to store your winter jackets and take out spring and summer clothes. 

You can sort through clothes that don’t fit, or you don’t wear and pack them up for donation to your local thrift store. Organize clothes in your closet by section for easy access.

Put jean in the back, shorts in the next section, and keep t-shirts near the center; work clothes can be placed at the other end of your closet. 

  1. Hire a Cleaning Service 

If you live a hectic life, getting your spring cleaning completed can be a hassle. You might not have the extra time, you might want to spend your free time with your loved ones, or you might not be the cleaning expert necessary to keep your new home sparkling. 

Whatever the case might be, consider hiring a cleaning service for spring cleaning and all of your cleaning needs. A qualified cleaning service will provide a highly trained professional to take care of all the cleaning so you can relax and enjoy your free time. 

Spring Cleaning Tips You Should Try 

The spring cleaning tips on this list will help keep your new home looking brand new. It’s important to start your spring cleaning by decluttering. Don’t forget about cleaning your microwave and oven too. 

If you want your spring cleaning done by a professional, you can always hire a cleaning service to help you out. 

Did you find this article helpful? Make sure to check out some of the other home-related blogs on our site to learn more. 

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